Use "paretic|paretics" in a sentence

1. Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor.

2. General A very general condition corresponding to Alumina is Dryness of mucous membranes and skin, and Tendency to paretic muscular states

3. Example sentences from the Web for Ataxic There may also be Ataxic symptoms, paretic weakness of bowel and bladder, trembling and spasms. Degeneracy Eugene S

4. In 1913, Bacteriologist Hideo Noguchi (1876–1928), working at the Rockefeller Institute, discovered Treponema pallidum (the organism causing syphilis) in the brains of paretics and patients with tabes dorsalis, confirming his hypothesis concerning the cause of the disturbance (Clark, 1959).

5. Report on new observations with respect to the effectiveness of muscular neurotisation (i.e., growth of preterminal nerve fibers from an implanted healthy muscle into the paretic host muscle) in cases of abducens pareses: in one patient a reinnervation was achieved although the onset of paralysis was about 7 years ago; the influence of the transposition (of the inferior oblique muscle into the paralyzed lateral rectus muscle) on elevation of the globe is rather unpronounced and, moreover, reversible; adhesions may prevent the success of the transposition as they restrict the motility.